According to the Tangerine Dream Forum The Rolling Stones had purchased a massive modular system from Moog in 1969 and Mick Jagger used it to record a soundtrack for the movie Invocation Of My Demon Brother The system was then purchased by Tangerine Dream and progressively passed through many other luminary hands including Hans Zimmer and Klaus Schulze in the following sequence of events (from the TD Forum):

1. (Mick Jagger) The Rolling Stones=(Chris Franke) Tangerine Dream (adding another Moog from the Moody Blues)=sold=(Hans Zimmer) with Helden=Hans Zimmer film scores.

2. Florian Fricke (4 case)=Klaus Schulze (Klaus: "I'd never sell the Moog, it would be like selling my soul")=sold to Peter Namlook.

3. Projekt Elektronik Modular=Peter Baumann=Tangerine Dream=Chris Franke in Hollywood (storage facility) 

4. TD Moog Modular (3 case)=Peter Baumann (75)=Edgar Froese (76 onwards)=ends up with fans, split up and sold=now in several countries 

5. Helmut Grothe sequencers=Tangerine Dream=skip (Well...Edgar said 'recycled'...sorry Fabio) 

ScopeRise has now procured this exclusive 2 part interview with Klaus Schulze surrounding this and other events.


Dante Jan 2018