Devices old and new are featured this month, with a look at the LE-1 Maximizer, the Sonic Core plate reverb and another useful stock Scope device, the 'Vocodizer'.  The Scope community also welcomes new developer dNa, who have been developing and using Scope for some years and now release two new processors designed to impart an analog character to the digital sound realm.  We review dNa's MasterCOMP and Ray gives us exclusive details of upcoming devices being worked on for release.

Operating System upgrades can be a daunting task when it comes to setting up DAW applications with their special processing and licensing requirements.  Particularly when it has taken several years for vendors to play catch up in the 32 to 64 bit conversion.  But it is now possible to keep your old set-up whilst building the new one.

Not only Sonic Core but also Ferrofish presented stands at this year's Musikmesse with Holger, Tobias, Klaus and Juergen doing what they do best in producing and selling Scope and DSP-related products and educating the masses about the most revolutionary phenomenon in music production since George Martin met The Beatles.  Our European correspondent for Scope events Hurolura gives his impressions of not only the show, but the promise of things to come.




dNa Music is a welcome new player in the Scope developer market so we feature one of their debut plug-ins 'MasterCOMP' here.   Steady as she goes as the good ship Scope sails towards version 6 a presence at the Messe reinforces the upcoming goodness.   We bask in the warmth of the S|C Plate, one of a series of classic bundled reverb emulations available on the Scope platform.   If it ain't broken, why fix it?  How can upgrading be made easier when the day finally comes to risk it on a working setup?


There's nothing like listening to Classic Rock on a great system.  But even if you only have an iPod, here's some great albums.   Eminardi's LE-1 Loudness Maximizer is a highly useful freebie when it comes to needing some boost on incoming signals. So you have all your Scope manuals well organized don't you? Err, don't you? If not then maybe you can get a head start here.

Scope Vocodizer is a great incarnation of a classic device that's been around since the fifties and can be driven by MIDI and audio.




Scope NSA Offer - 4 in 1 Bundle - Save HUNDRED$

Check HERE for Yiannis Kapoulas' (multi-instrumentalist and Scope user) upcoming Canadian tour dates.

Details of upcoming new dNa plugs!

Quality Assurance by Mr. Arkadin.

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SCOPE - Making Obsolescence Obsolete

Edition Twenty August Copyright 2013 © members of planetz and vendors

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